THE ROCKIN' HEARTBEATS - Home < -The ROCKIN'HEARTBEATS playing at the Naugatuck Spring Festival on May 2. Thanks go out to Mayor Pete Hess and Shelby for inviting us (and for actually listening to us play!). N 1 2. PROF SEZ: as Tony D's B- Day winds down, we send out B- Day witches to my oldest - Geno, who had a bit of bad luck w/recent storm/wind.. Ro- Ro (Ronnie & Robin) 4 years ago?? Su!! - - it's just a phase - - I'm sure they'll outgrow it..
Sa nite when we return to The Off Shore Rstrnt in West Haven - - last time Lady & Lord Gaga appeared with both of their friends.. O 2. PROF SEZ: . some sad news - - our NY Yankees missed the World Series by 1 game.. Tony D has his B- Day (#6. Tu(yes - - appropriately enough, it's on Halloween!!).. I will be filling in w/Scotty K's band at the Rusty Nail in Torrington at 9.
P Sa night.. our bassist Dave is away to Costa Rica for his semi- annual half- price hysterectomy.. West Haven on N4 at the Off. Shore Restaurant on Jones Hill Rd (had a great crowd there last month).. Ms Carrie! from Lone Oak Camp twice in the past coupla weeks - - thrift store & Popeye's - - only the swankiest of places for us..
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John N & John R & Bill & Annette of the New Britain Vets Group for having us at their dance last Sa nite - - happy to see Ann & Dottie & Sue from our Mac. Donalds daze.. my apologies to Bud & Mickey & Jo & Ray for forgetting about a latin number for them!!!
The Only a Flesh Wound trope as used in popular culture. On television, as well as in movies, there seems to be this general idea that if someone is shot in.
I don't see you in Torrington Sa nite , we'll see you down the shore next Sa when our special guests will include Armand Hammer & Admiral Halsey... O 1. Watch The Invisible Online Facebook here. PROF SEZ: lotsa fun(and great food) Sa nite when we played the Hamden H. S. Class of 1. 96. Reunion at the Waverly Inn in Cheshire - - our thanks to Sharon & Ann & Robin & Sharon's little friend Jonathan.. S 1. PROF SEZ: ok - - so our late Summer 7- shows- in- 1. Tour is over - - what a blast!! Watch Side Effects Online Hollywoodreporter.
I am told that there were lots of attractive women all over the state as well as great food and lots of fun for everyone - -- not certain if all of the above are not connected in some way..??. Millerton NY - - our thanks to Carl & Ed & John & Linda and all who were very receptive to our music and even got most of the jokes.. Antwone Fisher Full Movie Part 1 here.
Linda & the Shoreline Singles gang; Jay & Julie & Tom Chute from the WATR; Audre, Vicki, Ms Debra & Cathy or Kathy, the Dancing Claudia, Lydia, Stacy/ey?, Ronnie & Drew, Big Ray. Little Jo/Mickey & Bud, Ginger, Dick & Cookie & Red.
The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. View photo galleries, read TV and movie reviews and more. Wrestling Soup. We're NOT a wrestling show. We're a show that HAPPENS to talk about wrestling. EVERY Thursday Night 9:30pm EST {Friday 02:30am GMT or 0230 UTC for. In March 2009, Dunham signed a multi-platform deal with Comedy Central. It included a fourth stand-up special to air in 2010, DVDs, a consumer products partnership, a. #1 Cheerleader Camp; #Horror; #Lucky Number; #ScrivimiAncora $ $5 a Day; $50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story; $9.99 ' '71 'Til Death 'Til There Was You ((500) giorni. Well, this is a weird turn. We had heard a couple months back that Lena Dunham would have a role in the upcoming clowns-and-Trump smorgasbord of American Horror Story.
Boy the B- Day boy and Carol, Louise & Charlie, Bill Dillane, Sue, Heather & Mom, Bill Luth, brother Jim and Darlene, Johnny Lifestyles, former City Hill kidz Gary Jacques? Kara Shea & Laurie, Pete Sky. Line, Mayor Bob, Leslee & Joe & Walt & Lois, , Len & babe, Benny, Big Bob, Waterbury Rob, & brother Sam, Lady & Lord Gaga, Tracy B, Colonel Kirk, Kevin Mack & Fawn & Wendy, Peter C at Northeast Wealth Solutions, Johnny Saxx, Chinese Dan & Gang, Jerry and the Big Top staff, Geno & Jen & Mario, Mark F & Scotty K, Gil & Gail/Gayle?, radio & raceway star Tom Hill, Karen/John/Jimmy @ Juniper's - - or Jupiter's as some folks.. Mark F/Scotty K/Mario and Dr Jeff..
I'm probly missing 1. I can't think of right now - my apologies if.. West Haven this Sa nite where our special guests will be Ron Dayvoo & Felix Unger.. Dexter is away this week visiting our friend Kris Krisevensen in Spain & Portugal - - we gave him a last minute bone voyage party - - Dexter, that is.. Ag 2. PROF SEZ: B- Day Greetings to Jim Briggs/my little brother Greg/the Goddess In White/the very shy Ms Nicole/Johnny Life. Styles.. apologies to anyone I may have missed - - maybe someday I'll learn how to operate what the kids call The Facepagebooks.. Tom O'Brien and his gang for a terrific party out in the woods and also to those who came to see us at Juniper's last week: Ms Ginger, Lydia, the introverted Ms Claudia, Ms Debra & Kathy?
Cathy, Kenny, the 2 'young' couples who like our songs and get some of the jokes, and to Johnny Mo and Ursula who took a wrong turn and ended up in the same room we were playing.. Ms Karen who .. we are happy to announce that we will be at Juniper's for New Year's Eve.
Mayor Pete's Naugatuck Fall Fest in September.. Prospect coming up real fast.. Daisy Fuentes, Mitch Miller and Arnold Dingfelder Horshack.. Jl 3. PROF SEZ: : don't read this now, cuz I'm not fully prepared..
Wendy/Col. Kirk /Kevin & Sean for their hospitality out in Canaan last Th nite and to Chinese Dan for.. I told you not to read this... I ... Jl 2.
PRFO SEZ: looking forward to this Th night show outdoors(or indoors if..) at the Sunset Music Series held @ the Canaan VFW on Rte 7(just S of Rte 4. Dave can find it) - - it starts at 7. PM* and there is food and liquid refreshment..* Claudia- that means 'at night' Jl 1.
PROF SEZ: had a great time Tu night at the First Congo Church Concert Series - they have a terrific hall and stage and the folks there could not be kinder/more welcoming - - our thanks to Rev Maynar /Big George / Ms Roxanne / John the sound guy / Stewart /Benny/ Freddy / the ever delightful Ms Ginger/Ken/ and the dancing server crew.. Wtrbry Elks Club Sa nite: you need to have a member to sign you in when you enter.. NOT be on the Wolcott Green or East Mountain Park this year - - our thanks/special salute to the musicians union & the Wolcott P& R Dept who chose to ignore us this year after 1. WILL be back at the Canaan VFW this month and in Naugatuck in Ag for Mayor Pete's Summer bash - - thanks Teri!!(and Shelby - wherever you are).. Dave has stopped his habit of biting his nails - - Tony has talked him into wearing shoes now pretty much everywhere.. Sa night when our special guests will include Moose Skowron and Francis Gary Powers.. Jl 9 2. PROF SEZ: writing today listening to the ?
VANILLA FUDGE LP "Near The Beginning" w/'Some Velvet Morning' - - you may also enjoy the original by Lee Hazelwood & Nancy Sinatra - ca 1. Downtown Waterbury Summer Tour this week: it begins with a free outdoor concert this Tu evening on West Main St at First Congregational Church @ 6. PM*.. then Sa night we cross the street over to the Waterbury Elks CLub** for a 7: 3. Leslee & Joe La. Vigne for their fine hospitality(again) yesterday at their family bash - - B- Day wishes to their brother Scott on hitting his number 7.
Kelly Kid neighbors & the Evil Princess from O'Rourke & Birch Flower Shop.. I think the shy Dancing Queen Ms Claudia may be on the list as well?
Juniper's in 2 weeks****..*indoors if rain **now smoke free! John Glenn & Pepino the Italian Mouse Je 2. PROF SEZ: first I want to apologize to Louise & Charlie, and to the little Ukranian girl, Lydia, for not getting their request(s) in last night at Juniper's - - still not used to finishing at 1. Stacey - - who I have referred to as Tracey for months(for me, that's pretty close..) the girls danced away last night with their shy little friend Claudia and seemed to be enjoying themselves.. Ms Ginger joined us both nights W/Marcel as did Lydia & Stacey.. Bob & Donna; little Jo & big Ray & Mickey & Bud; Linda joined us w/her friend from the Northern hills; Ms Patty & ?
Len? joined us at the bar; Eric & the delightful Ms Marie were on board w/Jerry & Mary.. Artie M brought along the lovely Ms Gail (or Gayle?) - I can't tell the 2 of them apart.. Dale & Mary came down from the Torrington hills .. Village East receptionist joined us w/both of her friends..